Friday, March 19, 2010

Remembering God

This morning I was woken up, by some noise I was hearing. Sitting up in bed thinking about what had woken me up. Yes I thought of the cats, but Emily was asleep on the bottom of my bed, and Pacer was in the living room. So who knows what woke me up. All I know is I wasn't having a peaceful night. I'd had nightmares during the night.

Finally getting out of bed around 7am this morning. I sat on the couch, and put my laptop on my lap and started to watch some videos on YouTube to try and get myself out the bad mood I was in. But watching videos about serial killers wasn't going to cheer me up. I knew this. But I have a thing right now, I like watching about serial killers or just cold case files on YouTube. I started to think maybe I should be watching something God or Jesus would if they were me. So I started to search YouTube for some christian music. This was cheering me up a little. I wanted the cats to come to me, but they were in a mood. While listening to the christian music videos, I closed my eyes for a second and I let my heart find peace. I then began to pray in the silence of my heart and found peace.

While I had my eyes closed, I could feel God's spirit enter my heart and take away the bad feelings and insert the good feelings. I felt at peace and let God be my guide for the rest of the day. I believe we all need to close our eyes everyday and just let God's spirit enter our beings, heart and soul. To let him work in us and show us his glory, his love, his presence.

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