Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter - Jesus has Risen

I feeling very spiritual. I feeling that God spoke to me on Sunday morning Mass. Found that the first song of the Mass on Sunday called [Jesus Christ is Risen Today]. The words of the song tell me Jesus is the son of God. God sent Jesus to earth to show us all how to join him in heaven with God and Jesus at his right side on the Throne.

SONG: Jesus Christ is  Risen Today

Jesus Christ is Ris'en Today - Alleluia
Our Triumphant holy day - Alleluia
Who did once upon he Cross - Alleluia
Suffer to redeem our loss - Alleluia

Hymns of praise then let us sing - Alleluia
Unto Christ, our heav'nly King - Alleluia
Who endured the cross and grave - Alleluia
Sinners to redeem and save - Alleluia

But the pains which he endured - Alleluia
Our salvation have procured - Alleluia
Now above the sky he's King - Alleluia
Where the angels ever sing - Alleluia

Sing we to our God above - Alleluia
Praise eternal as his love - Alleluia
Praise him, now his might confess - Alleluia
Father, Son and Spirit blest. Alleluia.

This song touches my heart and lets me know I have eternal love and guidance from God and Jesus. With the Holy Spirit in my heart guiding me in this life on earth. One day I'll go to up to heaven, right now I'm here on earth doing what I believe is right in God's eyes. I am a writer of Christian children's fiction and edgy fiction for middle grade to young adults.