Thursday, July 01, 2010

Visions and Dreams

Where we dream during the night, we see images and hear words. Are these dreams also visions from God?

During the day, we ca see visions. To me a vision is a images followed by words. Are visions truly from God?

I've been searching through the entire world-wide-web, but the only things I've found is that mostly men get visions and dreams from God. This got me thinking and wondering about so much. I've been asking myself if God only gives dreams and visions to men, why has he chosen me?

Now I've come to realize that if God created me, then he is also allowing his angels and the Holy Ghost, to talk to me. This means, I do get visions and I do get him talking to me. If anyone won't listen to his words, he is so much mightier than any of us humans. He created us, and he does want us to dwell with him once again in time.  To be created, and have breath inserted into us.

Think of it for a minute. How does it feel to know you were created in his image. To me this means the world. He can know each of our strands of hair on our head, he knows the makeup of our dna, our atoms that were created and make up our body this day. This is amazing, to know someone created us, gave us breath, and a soul. Freedom of choice, free will.  

Now he is talking to us through our dreams and visions. I believe God is showing us the way back to him, let him guide you. Let him love you. Love him back, follow him always...

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