Sunday, June 27, 2010

Visions and God's Plan

Today at church, well first I didn’t want to go. My back wand left knee was in excruciating agony. After a five minute prayer, I felt God’s presence within my body. I usually don’t pray to the Holy Ghost, but this morning I felt the urge. Once at church, the pain was getting heaps worse. I felt that I want going to kill myself if the pain didn’t get better. The pain issues I face are hard, but I know God is with me, but something that’s doesn’t help when the psychical pain is horendance. This was one morning I wished I had a magical cure for my pain issues that riddle my entire body.

Once in the chapel, I sat there in my chair, thinking about God and when I’d be free of pain. I remember at the beginning of Easter/Lent, I had my first vision. Which told me my pain was going to get worse before it got better. It’s now June, almost July. I wonder if he’s forgotten all about me. But I know he hasn’t forgotten me, he just wants me to be patient and listen to his word and advice he gives us in the Bible. Everyday I read my bible, but at time during the day, when I lack faith or hope, I turn to prayer and scripture.

This morning in church, I was given yet another vision. This was one of me being with my entire family. All my children and my grandparents up in heaven. I was sitting in the midst of them giggling and being ever so happy. Then I saw myself and my partner living in a three bedroom apartment, fostering children. Giving them someone who they can trust and know that they’re loved. Being in a vision my partner and I in a house riddled with children. This is my dream, I believe God is showing me what is to come. I just need to be patient and let things happen on God’s time, not mine…

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