Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bible Study

This morning I've been thinking about how much we try to study the bible, but don't manage it all the time. Like yesterday I wanted to give myself twenty minutes to study God's word, but failed. This is something we all need to do, study the bible daily. Even if it's only for a couple of minutes, we must pray and read the bible. This is to let God and Christ into our hearts, to lead us out of the temptations of the flesh on earth.

I intend on studying the bible for at least five minutes a day.To me if I forget to make time for God and his manual, the Holy Bible we will never become the best of what we are here for. Believe, trust and study. Think about it, if I had the choice to go to Heaven or Hell, which one would you choose. For myself personally, I'd always vote for Heaven. The  thing is we do have a choice, it's just do we deserve to go to Heaven.

Are you going to Heaven or Hell?
Think for a minute, what have you done to get the right to be going to heaven. Myself I've had a shady and bad past. This is something I have to repent before I get the right to go to heaven. The Thing is doing good works isn't a pass to get you into heaven. You have top have faith, hope and be studying and taking into your heart the words in the bible. Ask God for forgiveness and let his Holy Ghost/Spirit to enter your body, soul and mind and he will lead you into righteousness and his plan to be with him in heaven.

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