Friday, April 02, 2010

Good Friday - Easter - Sacrifice

I woke up this morning by my cat Emily jumping on me to feed her and our other cat Pacer. After feeding both cats, I felt something inside of me talking. It was a strange feeling inside, something I can't explain. Sitting on the couch, waiting on Troy getting up so we can get dressed and leave for my appointment with Pat at Adult and Child at 10am.

It's now 3:58pm and we've just been home for about ten to twenty minutes. Being out all day and without a drink or book to read while sitting on a bus, being in my wheelchair. Being in my chair most of the day, makes my butt hurt and it was causing my lower back to be in chronic pain. My pain levels were around a 11-12 working on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst). Now I'm trying to relax after a stressful day out and with annoying bus drivers and ignorance from drivers.

Anyhow, as today is Good Friday, which makes me think of the sacrifice Jesus did for us all. He gave his life up and raised again 3 days later. This was done so we all can get forgiveness of our sins and be able to to return to heaven and live with God and commune with him in everlasting happiness. This gives me a sense of relief and makes me proud to be a catholic and be able to choose my religion. I know that in some countries on earth aren't allowed to choose and worship their religion.

I have researched a lot about some countries on this planet, earth. There are some places believing and worshipping God and stating you're a Christian out aloud is a crime. Why are all these countries not allowing people like us worship God and also shout at the top of our lungs that God has saved our souls. I want to let the world know, living in the following countries we are able to worship God and be proud and shout out at the top of our lungs, that God saved our souls and his Holy Ghost is guiding us and showing us what a great thing God did for us. Letting his only begotten son come as man and die for our sins, so we one day can go up to heaven and be with God again.

Living In: England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, America, Brazil, Russia, Spain, Holland, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Canada, Belgium, France...

The above you're free to worship God and be proud to be Christian. I hope in time everyone around the world we can unite and be proud to be Christian. Right now I believe being Catholic is the right religion for everyone know that Jehovah witnesses, Mormons and other cult religions will know that God told us not to change anything in the bible. Jehovah Witnesses say Jesus died on a stake, with his hands crossed above his head with one nail through both hands. This makes me think that Jehovah Witnesses are misguided. It states in the bible that Jesus was on a cross not on a pole (stake) like the Jehovah witnesses state.

Then the Mormons, they are very misguided I believe. In the last books in the New Testament say to add no books of scripture to the bible. The Mormons have the Pearl of Great Price, Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenence. I know about both these religions, is because when I was in England and going through a tormenting time in my life. I joined the Mormons, and studied with the missionaries and went oto church. I did this for a long time, about 2 years. I found that something was wrong. I started to smoke and was diagnosed with Asthma and Epilepsy. I started to take medications and drinking Pepsi to take  the pills. I was excommunicated for doing this. They told me I could remain in the church if I gave up drinking anything with caffiene in. I refused and left the church.

I moved to Margate, on the south east coastline on Kent a country in England. I meet some Jehovah Witnesses. I started to have bible study and learn a lot about the faith. I thought it was my place. Then he told me that I couldn't have a blood transfusion. I was shocked beyond belief. I stopped my bible study and tried to find another faith to follow. I tried learning from the Church of England religion, which wasn't for me either. I moved on and tried Methodist, Jewish faith and even Baptists. But all weren't the right religion for me. I need to find something that accepted me and felt good to be in that faith.

Nothing matched what I wanted. I was going to think of the only religion I hadn't thought of joining and being catholic. My family were catholic, so I knew they were bad. I then came to America. Met my husband and now I am a catholic and very devoted to my faith and friends. I am blessed with a new family, my husband's family. Friends more than I ever had in England and Ireland. It was like I was in heaven.

Now I have a faith as strong as solid rock. I have many friends, these friends, just didn't like me for what I could give them, but just friends because we liked each other. When I'm down, my friends are there to lift me up. When they are down, I help perk them up and pray for them if they or I are sick and low in spirit. I am in heaven. The only thing is, when I get to Heaven with God, I will have my hearts desire.

Warning: This post is my person experiences, not to offend any one for their beliefs and faith. I just wanted to state some things. I'm sorry if I have offended anyone... I love God and making new friends. Please don't take offence. Lisa Xavier.

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