Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Proverbs 3:5-6

Proverbs 3:5,6 -  Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do,  and he will give you success.

The verse above is one my favorites in the Old Testament. It helps me to remember I can't do it alone, without him I am nothing. Just a word of advice, let God guide you in the paths you tread. Think first, then ask God. If he tells you to go forward, go with hope and pride. If not, change your path and make sure God is guiding you. He made us in his image, which means he loved us enough to make us like him. He even sent his only son to come to earth to make a way to get back to him. Jesus died for us, so we could have everlasting life and go to heaven to be with God one day.

I believe during my search in life, I have found true happiness, but not by myself. I asked God and Christ to come into my heart, soul and body and show me the right way. I believe in him, will do anything I can to let others know I love God and he is my Savior. Let God and Christ into your heart, he will guide you, show you the right way to be saved by his blood shed on the cross for your sins and mine too. 

I ask you to do one thing before the day is over with, pray. Yes, Prayer is the only way to know God and have him in your life and make sure you always talk with him when you need, plus when you feel you can handle things on your own. We need to keep God in our mind, and soul. How do we do this? By asking God daily into your soul and heart, let him guide you every single day of your natural born life. 

1 comment:

  1. This proverb always "pops up" whenever I seem to be most needing the reminder of it. Today it was from your blogspot and I thank you. It was completely random my being led here. The proverb is one of my favorites and I wanted a catholic bent on it.
