Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Root of al Evil - below video

I've been watching quite a lot of videos on youtube, the one below is the first in the set. If you doubt the fact or myth about the truth behind the bible. Let me tell you to read previous posts. I'm a firm believer of God, Christ and the gift of the Holy Ghost. I'm a dedicated and devoted catholic. I watched these videos with an open mind, and sense of what people believe as science and belief. 

For me, I believe in the Holy Bible. I believe it was man work writing it, but every man was, inspired by Go and the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost enters our body, mind and soul. It guides us through trying times, and easy times in our lives. If you believe, then you know God created all things. But if your a doubter and scientist, then take a moment and ponder the things created in this world. The human body, The galaxy, The many different talents each of us has. He gave you your gifts for medicine, science, history, teaching and mine, for writing. 

Remember he created all things, read and pray about the scriptures. Let God and his Holy Ghost enter your every being and let you know he is there, you were created in his image alone.

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