Thursday, March 25, 2010

Inspiration From Music

All the morning, I was sleeping most of it. I was tired and exhausted from the late night. Yeah I spent some time with Emma posting to our group and just chatting to 2am in the morning. Now it's 1:49pm and I'm just about up and ready to face the world. I know going to bed that late isn't good for you. The thing is if I stay up late, I end up sleeping better and getting a good quality mount of sleep. Not that I don't go to bed early, if I have an appointment the night after.

I ahve been downloading some music and this has been relaxing me quite a bit. The thing is the music titles and words are giving me thought to think about where I am in life and what I wanna do about the journey I'm now taking with God and my whole identity issues. I have left the choice in Gods hands now as I do want to change, but I know that if I make the decisions I will go down the wrong path. Leaving it in God's hands is what I know I need to do. I hate the thought of not being able to change, but I know God loves me for who I am and knows me down till the atoms that make me, me!

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