Monday, August 09, 2010

Guidance and Angelic Guardianship

I've be depressed and feeling rock bottom today, much over the last week. Today I said a small prayer to God and his heavenly angels. I wanted guidance, advice and how to get myself through the rough patches. This afternoon I found Daniel C 33-42. It talked about how God Angel took Habakkuk who'd cooked a meal of stew and bread. To take food for Daniel who was in the lions pit. After the angel took Habakkuk to Daniel and fed him the food, the angel returned Habakkuk to his home.

Then the king visited Daniel in the pit. He assumed Daniel would be dead. But instead found Daniel much alive and sitting in the midst of the lions. He released Daniel, singing praise to Our God, the God of Daniel...

THis shows us all, we we have faith, and stick to God's guidebook, the BIBLE. we too can be enriched and enlighted by God's spoken word through his prophets and their inspired writing in our best book ever, the bible.

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