Monday, April 23, 2018

Mormonism - Truth vs False

A long time ago when I lived in England. I was born a Catholic. I just never trusted the religion due to my parents being very abusive and some of the clergy too. My step-father would get the clergy to help abuse my in more ways than one. This as far as I'll go right now. I may post about the abuse I suffered at the hands of my family in the England/Europe when growing up as a child and adult even. It's a very long bitter childhood. I felt alone and very bitter to all my family. I grew up with nine brothers I was the only female. This was a very troubled time for me.

The time when I learned that Faith mattered was when I was four years old and my Nana Lily, my biological father's mother. The only family member who loved me and treated me with love, along with my only brother who treated me the same way. Taught me to read the Holy Bible. Nana Lily believe in God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. She taught me all about the stories in the bible. How the came to be written. WHo wrote the bible and why the bible was written. I found it uplighting.

If I knew then what I know now I would've never turned my back on the Catholic faith. I tried many different faiths in my lifetime. I first tried Jewish faith. I found them very restrictive on what the women could do. This did make me feel like I was less of a human being. I then tried Jehovah Witnesses. I liked what I learned about the faith. I did stop taking blood transfusions, it made it hard for some things like surgeries I had. Especially when I had my brain tumor. Having cancer in the brain was hard. My own family even told me I should die. I mean what mother wants her child to die to claim on a life insurance? WHo would do that to their own flesh and blood?

Then I tried the Chruch of England. It just wasn't me. Then Methodist. That was somewhat boring. It put me to sleep. I still read my bible while I pursued my dream of finding the right religion for me. I then at the ripe age of twenty-nine, I found a Mormon missionary in the town centre. The two missionaries talked with me in the town about the Book of Mormon, I was intrigued. I wanted to know more. They made an arrangement to come to my flat(apartment) to talk more about the Book of Mormon and their religion. I wanted to find out if this religion was for me.

They finally came to my place. They came regularly and we talked for hours. I read I studied the Book of Mormon. I then got the quad book. It contained Book of Mormon, D&C, Pearl of Great Price, Holy Bible. I would carry it everywhere I went. Read it, study it. I found the religion I wanted to be part of. The only thing was their church service was very long one. It was also split into separate rooms and sections. There was one for Sunday School, also one for adult women(Relief Society), main service. I was three hours lone in total. It was worth it.


Rule of the Faith
  • No sex before marriage and complete fidelity after marriage.  Mormons believe the family is essential to God’s plan, so we don’t do anything that could jeopardize that.  The 10 commandments in the Bible says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
  • No alcohol or drugs.  Why?  We don’t want the effects of alcohol or drugs to influence us to make poor decisions.
  • No dishonesty. Mormons believe it is important to keep Christ’s commandment in the Bible, to be honest with other people.  We aren’t perfect at it, but we strive to do our best.  The 10 commandments say not to “…bear false witness.”
  • Donate 10% or more of your income to charity and the building up of the kingdom of God.  We believe that God is the Creator of the world.  We obey the law of the tithe to show our trust in God.  Because of the church’s almost complete lay ministry, the tithes are only spent for good instead of lining the pockets of a professional pastor.
  • Do not view pornography.  We believe it’s incredibly belittling to women to treat them as objects, and pornography tempts the viewer to commit sin.  The 10 commandments say “thou shalt not covet.”
  • Do not engage in same-sex relationships.  We are taught that marriage is ordained between a man and a woman.  We have great love and respect for ALL people–including gays and lesbians.  They are welcome to come to church and participate in the church, and we love them just as we would anyone else.  
  • However, we do believe the Bible’s teachings that romantic relationships are ordained by God to be between man and woman.
  • Dedicate Sundays to the Lord.  The 10 commandments from the Bible includes the commandment “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.”  We attend church on Sundays where we study the words of Christ and worship God.
  • No foul language.  We keep our language clean and respectful.  As it says in the 10 commandments, “Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain.”
  • No cigarettes, coffee, tea, coffee or tobacco.  We believe life is a gift from God and we do our best to keep our bodies healthy and clean.  
  • Teenagers shouldn’t date until 16 years-old.  We believe that teens should be careful to develop wholesome relationships in high school and should wait to develop serious boyfriend/girlfriend type relationships until they are of age to start courting and marrying.  This helps them to prevent the temptation of sexual sin.
  • No abortion.  Members of the church strongly oppose abortion and do not participate in abortion in any way.  The 10 commandments say, “Thou shalt not kill.”  Church leaders have opened the possibility for abortion in extreme instances of danger to the mother’s life, incest, and rape.
  • Gambling.  Mormons don’t bet money on games of chance or play the lottery.

I later was kicked out after like fours years in the faith. I was told I either stop drinking Pepsi and coffee or be removed from the church. I told them I just couldn't do that. I stopped the coffee. It wasn't a problem. The Pepsi was the problem. It was just a soda drink. nothing deadly in that. What was so wrong with a soda? It couldn't hurt me or anyone I was with. I was told I couldn't even talk with the friends I'd made in the church after I was removed from the church. This was so annoying. I was all alone again. I had nobody to talk with, nobody to turn to either. I was lost.

I later found someone coming to my door. they were from a church, a Baptist church. I was turning thirty-two at the time. I went to the church. It was a newly built church and the pastor was a nice friendly man. He approached me and we talked a while. He arranged for me to do a course called the alpha course. It was to teach about Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. They were so kind, friendly and upbeat. I did the Alpha course and then got baptized in the church. I went almost every week. I stopped reading the Book of Mormon, I did keep the scriptures though.

Then when I was struggling to cope I found out my best friend died. I told my friend Allie. She put me in touch with a person In America. Their name will be nameless. They are now my partner. We have been together for nearly thirteen years. It'll be thirteen this October, thirteen on November 10th this year married. I think becoming a Catholic was the right choice. I have a stronger faith than I have ever had. I pray, study the bible daily.

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