Statement Of Faith

1) We believe that there is ONLY ONE true and living God who exists as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He alone is worthy of all honour, praise, and glory. We believe that He made all things and holds all things together.

2) We recognise that Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Word who became flesh and lived with us. We believe that He came to destroy the works of Satan.

3) We believe that God showed how much He loves us by sending Christ to die for us even though we were sinful. We believe that God rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His son, who has forgiven our sins and set us free.

4) We believe we are spiritually strong because Jesus is our strength.  We have the authority to stand against Satan because we are children of God. We believe that we were saved by the grace of God through faith, that it was a gift and not the result of our works on our part.

5) We choose to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. We put no confidence in the flesh for the weapons of warfare are not of the flesh. We put on the whole armour of God, and resolve to stand firm in our faith and resist the evil one.