John 1:14 The Word became a human being and, full of grace and truth, lived among us. We saw his glory, the glory which he received as the Father's only Son.
Read the verse, what does it tell you? Does it explain everything? Do you know who the Word is referring to?
Jesus is the Word. God is the Word. God has no beginning or end. He created everything in existence. In my ‘Student Catholic Study Bible’, the version is Good News Translation. On the first page of John chapter one, reads on a corner, saying how we should view the scripture that can baffle me and most people studying the bible. ‘Jesus is what God wants for us.’ This is written in the words of a child.
Children are the very thing to listen to when they talk about God and Jesus and the Holy Ghost. The trinity has baffled me for eons, or years. I have never understood it. Being three separate beings, but also being three in one at the same time; this should be not understood, but believe and have faith as this is what Jesus taught us.
He taught us many different things on his time on this earth. The words of his wisdom, knowledge and rules for life are in the Holy Bible. Read, prayer, ponder. These are the things we should do daily, without question. Lately I have been lacking in this. Usually I read and study the bible daily, but for the last two weeks, I’ve done nothing to keep Jesus and God in my heart, mind or soul.
This morning after my counseling session with my therapist, I realized one thing. I need God. Without God in our daily lives, we will be lost, alone and lacking faith and wisdom to get through our lives little problems and trials. Trust in God, read the scripture; reading the Holy Bible, God manual for us. Yes I know it sounds a bit far fetched, but the Bible is God manual for us. It tells about how God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost wants us to live and return one day to reside with them in heaven. Without God guiding us, we will loss the way, get tempted and lack the wisdom, guidance we get from our connection with God.
Having God guiding our every little step we take through life and what goes on in our life every single minute and second. Remember he knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb. I ask you to read five verses each day, then pray about what you’ve read. Ponder the words, let the words and God’s spirit, the Holy Ghost enter into your being and it will guide you, leading you from any dark place, to enlightenment and survival.